I write this highly inspired. It was quite a moving story of life ,as told to our class by our director. Prof Ujjwal Kumar Chowdhury (more popularly known among the student brigade as UKC) that left us enchanted-caught under its spell througout the day. The story was simple enough. Yet its very simplicity chose to highlight the strength of the human mind.
The story was of a young boy of 19, fighting cancer. Fresh out of scholl, the young boy from Dubai was looking forward to a new beginning at the SIMC campus @ SB road. Brimming with life, full of confidence, this young boy dreamt high. But his world came shattering down one day when he was diagnosed with cancer. From thereon, began his fight for life. Chemotherapy initially proved effective till a relapse. This repeated itself making the boy lose an academic year of high achievements and bigger dreams. Again there was a relapse. The boy lost yet another year of his much craved for college journey.
But during, all this time, the young boy never gave up. Never stopped fighting. His "ignited mind" displayed a level of maturity, way beyond anyone would normally credit a youngster of barely 19. Aided by Prof. UKC, he continued and excelled in his passion for writing. He did not want to waste hos time in his sick-bed, but rather always had the thirst and the urge tom do more. It was ay this juncture that Prof. UKC by self-admission had jokingly suggested that he write something along the lines of SHOBHA DE'S book- "SURVIVING MEN." Much to the astonishment of all , the boy in a space of a couple of weeks wrote nearly 30,000 words on "SURVIVING CANCER." His one simple request was that if he dies then the last line of his book would be his last word.But if he survives the curse of cancer, then the first day of college would be the last chapter of his story.
Salute to him.
Salute to his young mind of courage which vis-a-vis "the knock of death" can remain so calm, composed, pragmatic and more matured than his tender age would imply.
This simple story of the not-so-simple-boy got me thinking, about how much we value ourselves exactly?
How much can we expect from ourselves?? Do we ever question and search for our true potential inside?
Or are we more busy to "live life" and " have fun?"Do we have what it takes to excel?Do we try at all?
Questions. Questions.
And more of these questions.
The question also is-do we have the answer for all these??
Salute to the young boy whose determonation, zeal, passion, courage and wisdom underlined the celebration of the true human spirit.