Thursday, December 24, 2009


Zehen today concluded itself with unstoppable claps and a standing ovation. The fest, which centred itself around the tag-line of Keedapanthi, showed how a simple passion and love for theatre can actually pull audiences from a cross section of the society. We had our much loved "BUM" ARUNDHATI NAG with her aura of serenity and wise words as a chief guest for the show. Her words were not a drab lecture-but spoke of the undying faith in the theatrical society. Theatre as she rightly pointed out, was not something that one should be trained to do. Our first instance of theatre is when we first lie. We have our first taste of acting then. But we never dare to delve deep into ourselves; so lost are we in the pursuit of materialistic happyness. True- theatre can never offer one the bread and butter for subsistence- but it is definitely an outlet for the creative keeda in you. Once bitten, never shy. And likewise agreed the ASAP frontman. SIMC together with their sister concerns- SIBM and SITM alonfg with other colleges, kept us glued to the 24/7 hungama with acts, workshops and performances for three straight days.One interesting and an innovative form was the interactive theatre by YOURS TRULY. It is as much an outlet for theraputic healing as well as the platform for the unleashing the creativity in you.  Words from the audience led to an impromptu act by the YOURS TRULY trio  that spellbound and enthralled the former, in their seats with mesmerized eyes popping out of skulls in wonderment and awe. Workshops were there too for the interested. The closing ceremony wrapped up by a hilarious performance by SIMC's very own Venky collaborating with Amit from ASAP. At around 1pm Zehen was marked over officially with the junior batch given the responsibility of raising the bar the next year. Oh yes we shall..for the keeda  is too strong to fade away...It's "bugged" all of us.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


It's that time of the year again, when reality hits you hard. A much needed wake-up call thrashes you mercilessly. You may feel a little lost. Yet there are some who cant refrain from giving themselves a pat on their back and a silent self-congratulatory note on their foresight. Such is what happenned today on day 2 of sem 2. The morning started with the much dreaded word "projects". Soon begun the mental kicks, the anguished adrenaline suppressed from hyperactivity and a conscious effort of thwarting any negativity. Soon the corridors were abuzz with the whispers of new plans- the mind steeled with concentrated resolutions. 7 is not a joke. Yet impossible, they say, is nothing.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Interestingly, we are called the batch of 9/11. A lot indeed to live up to!!
All geared up from the break, we re-entered the college territories for our second innings at the campus. Excitement and adrenaline ran high as we greeted each other the usual way- slaps, high-fives, tight hugs and "bro-code" vibes. Yet thoughts still were turned towards the joys of the busy life left behind at home- the afterglow of the days of warmth and "ghar ka khana" still lingering in our minds. The jackets, sweaters and woollen wear seemed excess luggage as the sheer absence of the winter bites in the Pune air. The campus indeed looked more colourful to the sore eyes. Sem-2 had begun indeed. And what a bang it began with !! A test which we had to give unprepares. So what's new??? Yes. We had arrived. To look forward to our usual fun, frolic, masti, coffee-gossip, lectures, events and parties. That's our life @ SIMC.
