Sunday, September 6, 2009



PUNE,MAHARASHTRA ,7th September’09:- The SOUTH ASIAN YOUTH PEACE MEET (better known in its shorter form as SAYPM) is a three day fest of words organized by SYMBIOSIS INSITITUTE OF MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS (SIMC) from 21st September to 23rd September 2009 in its PUNE campus of LAVALE. SAYPM is an initiative by the prestigious communication college to catalyze young minds to seek peace despite “distance” challenging the much carried on and carried forward words of conventional wisdom and aspire to reach out to newer horizons of knowledge about the actualities of our world today.

It’s a small world today-all thanks to globalization and its pros and cons. It is thus absolutely for the youth to think, opinionate, be informed and ahead of the rest about a peaceful growth and harmony across borders. SAYPM, in this regard, seeks to be the platform for growth of the young mind through its main propositions of “connect, communicate and converge.” Through the dialogues and interactions SAYPM in its debut performance aims to form a charter which will be presented tit hr UN about the socio-economic, cultural and political issues of the South-Asian countries viz India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, Srilanka, Maldives and Afghanistan- which are aLso the participating countries.

Established in 1990, one of the leading media schools of the country, SIMC, seeks to follow the 360 degree concept of convergence in its media education-in its effort to create media professionals well-versed with the nuances of the media. In its endevour of SAYPM, SIMC, will try to live upto its ideal of YOU(th) speaks. In association with CENTRE FOR SECULARISM AND SOCIETY, SAYPM, in its 3-day glory would examine the themes of COMMUNAL HARMONY, YOUTH AFFAIRS AND POLITICS,ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY as also through various fun-filled contests, SAYPM, would try its bit in mobilizing the youth pro-socio-eco-political and the cultural life of SOUTH ASIA.
